
nkem - mine; my own

the posts I've shared contain my words
these words shed light on the parts of me I wish to illuminate
parts that are literal or conceptual in nature
parts from my past, present, and future
parts that were perceived through observation
so, by no means are they a compilation of pieces to paint an image of me

This about me page is me metaphorically saying:
Most of my writings are stories, both fictional and non-fictional. Although I believe there's always some truth in non-fiction and fabrication in fiction, making everything contextual, I know if I don't make a disclaimer some will construct a connection between the words and my reality. Also, some posts are simply conveyance of my thoughts and ideas, and of course as we grow our thoughts and ideas can change, so these too should be taken lightly.

So relax your minds and enjoy the cinematcic collage I orchestrated to tell "my" stories.

- Kamry Marie


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